This part of a series I call The Crinoline.
What is a 60-plus woman doing prancing about in a crinoline skirt? It was
fun, sometimes I felt sexy, other times it was just ha-ha take that. Swathed
in crinoline I could be that self I imagined myself to be, not who faced me
in the bathroom mirror every morning.
At some point during COVID I was told that I would be on a spiritual
path for the rest of my life, no constraints. After seeing a self portait by a
photographer I admire, in which she was wrapped in lace. I was struck by
the beauty of it, I went searching for a crinoline skirt. So much for constraints
It was something I could do alone, though I did have help with this image. I was always available; it was a bit of fun, and I have discovered
that I have very photogenic feet. I don’t need to photograph my “older”
face; the crinoline hid my aging body with its fluff. I could be 32 again.
After looking at some of the images, a friend told me I was rockin’ it. My
last fling as a woman of a certain age? I hope not.
20 x 20 x 1